Pull & Bear

Pull & Bear: Um destino de moda para todos

Não há nada melhor do que ter uma loja de balcão único no que toca à moda. A Pull & Bear é aquele lugar para muitos millennials, oferecendo roupas e acessórios para homens e mulheres. A cadeia de lojas percorreu um longo caminho desde o seu início em Espanha há mais de 25 anos e agora opera em mais de 50 países em todo o mundo. Este artigo vai explorar como a Pull & Bear se tornou um dos destinos de moda mais populares para jovens adultos hoje em dia, oferecendo uma ampla gama de produtos, desde o desgaste casual até ao vestuário da moda a um preço acessível. Descubra como esta marca está a conquistar corações com os seus designs elegantes mas confortáveis, apelo contemporâneo e atendimento ao cliente personalizado.

A História da Pull & Bear

A Pull & Bear foi fundada em 1991 por Pedro Aznar, que fundou a empresa como uma loja de roupa masculina em Espanha. Aznar foi inspirado por marcas de moda internacionais como Benetton e Gap, e queria criar uma marca semelhante que fosse acessível aos consumidores espanhóis. A primeira loja Pull & Bear abriu em Elche, Alicante.

No início da década de 1990, a Pull & Bear começou a expandir-se para além do menswear e começou a vender roupa feminina também. A empresa também começou a abrir lojas fora de Espanha, com a primeira loja internacional a abrir em Portugal em 1992. Em 1999, a Pull & Bear tinha mais de 200 lojas em todo o mundo.

Em 1999, a Pull & Bear foi adquirida pelo Grupo Inditex, que também detém outras marcas de moda populares como a Zara e a Bershka. Sob a propriedade da Inditex, a Pull & Bear continuou a crescer e a expandir o seu alcance global. Hoje, existem mais de 800 lojas Pull & Bear em mais de 70 países em todo o mundo.

Os diferentes tipos de roupa pull & bear

Há muitos tipos diferentes de roupa Pull & Bear para homens e mulheres. Para os homens, há camisas, jeans, casacos, e muito mais. Para as mulheres, há vestidos, saias, blusas e muito mais. Há algo para todos na Pull & Bear.

  • Camisas: Pull & Bear tem uma grande variedade de camisas para homens, incluindo camisas de manga curta, camisas de manga comprida, camisas abotoas e muito mais. Há muitas cores e estilos diferentes para escolher para que você possa encontrar a camisa perfeita para qualquer ocasião.
  • Jeans: Jeans são um guarda-roupa essencial e a Pull & Bear tem uma grande seleção de jeans para homens. Você pode escolher entre jeans magros, jeans relaxados, jeans rasgados, e muito mais. Há muitas lavagens e cores diferentes para escolher para que você possa encontrar o par perfeito de jeans para o seu estilo.
  • Casacos: os casacos são perfeitos para estrating nos meses mais frios ou para usar como peça autónoma nos meses mais quentes. A Pull & Bear tem uma grande seleção de casacos para homens, incluindo casacos de ganga, casacos de bombardeiro, casacos de couro, e muito mais. Você vai ter certeza de encontrar o casaco perfeito para adicionar ao seu guarda-roupa na Pull & Bear.
  • Vestidos: Os vestidos são imperdíveis no guarda-roupa de qualquer mulher e a Pull & Bear tem uma grande seleção de vestidos para escolher. Você pode encontrar tudo, desde vestidos de dia casuais até vestidos de noite formais na Pull & Bear. 

Why Pull & Bear é um destino de moda popular

Pull & Bear é um destino de moda popular por muitas razões. Em primeiro lugar, a loja oferece uma grande variedade de roupas e acessórios para homens e mulheres. Há algo para todos na Pull & Bear, quer estejas à procura de roupa casual ou algo mais formal. Em segundo lugar, os preços são muito acessíveis, tornando fácil encontrar algo dentro do seu orçamento. Em terceiro lugar, a loja oferece um excelente atendimento ao cliente, o que torna as compras lá uma experiência agradável. Por fim, a Pull & Bear tem frequentemente vendas e promoções, pelo que muitas vezes pode encontrar grandes ofertas em roupa e acessórios.

Obter até 80% de desconto

À procura da roupa perfeita? Então não procure mais do que Pull & Bear! Com saldos até 80%, há algo para todos neste destino de moda. Quer estejas atrás de um vestido maxi flutuante ou de uns calções de ganga, a Pull & Bear tem-te coberto. Além disso, com novas linhas a toda a hora, tens a certeza que vais encontrar algo que amas. Então, do que está à espera? Vá até a Pull & Bear e comece a fazer compras!

Pull&Bear PT Final Sale


A Pull & Bear é um destino de moda para todos, quer esteja à procura de algo clássico ou de tendência. A sua vasta seleção de roupas e acessórios de qualidade a preços acessíveis facilitam a criação da roupa perfeita, independentemente do seu estilo pessoal. Por isso, se quiser ficar à frente das tendências atuais sem quebrar o banco, a Pull & Bear deve ser o seu destino!

Sanity: ‘House of the Dragon’ Review

Sanity: ‘House of the Dragon’ Review

HBO’s Original Game of Thrones prequel series House of The Dragon episode five “We Light the Way” starts with Matt Smith’s Daemon Targaryen killing his wife, but staging it as an accident in order to obtain her inheritance. In his mind, he wants to get rid of the excuse his brother makes for him not being able to marry who he wants. It can also be seen by the viewer as a strategic move for the throne to get more backing for his claim over his brother’s heir, his daughter Rhaenyra. This is a result of him having no children granting him sole heir of the lands of his wife. Those lands are even more territory for him to call his in his quest to take back what he believes to be his birthright. He knows that with more land under his control he will have more supporters for when he lays claim to be the rightful heir to the iron throne. 

A few minutes into the episode, the viewer sees Emily Carey’s young Alicent Hightower talk to her father about her decision to believe Milly Alcock’s young Rhaenyra Targaryen’s virginity claim. Her father knows that she lied to her costing him his job as the king’s hand in the court. In Alicent’s mind, she wants to believe her longtime friend as she swore to her that she is still a virgin. It is obvious that she loves her friend dearly that is why she wants to believe her. Also, it can be said that she feels like she owes Rhaenyra the benefit of the doubt due to her guilt of marrying her father. Deep down she knows that she lied her to keep up appearances in front of her father. It is not until her father points out that a simple lie could turn into a betrayal down the line due to her child being the male heir to the throne. The interesting part is the viewer can see that Alicent believes Rhaenyra would never hurt her or her child. However, she suspects that if she was willing to lie then what else could she be willing to do? 

Additionally, Rhaenyra comes to a point where she can have whatever she wants in her life. The arranged marriage she is forced to undergo comes with a fantastic upside. Her cousin does not want a physical relationship unless necessary giving her the option to be with the one she likes in secret. Deep down she feels as if a great weight has been lifted from her shoulders by her cousin. It was obvious to the viewer that she never wanted this for herself and is pleased by this. This is a result of her cousin being in a relationship with another person before the marriage was arranged. Unfortunately, the one she likes does not like the idea of him being a secret kept from others due to his notion of honor. This leads to them not speaking to each other showing Rhaenyra that she cannot have it all in life. The viewer can see that now she feels more alone than ever before as she does not have people to call friends as a result of this. 

Embrace your individuality with Bershka

Embrace your individuality with Bershka

When it comes to fashion, many of us use it as a tool to express ourselves and define our identity. The pieces we pick is undoubtedly an indicator of the self that we want to express to others. One way you can embrace yourself and your individuality is with Berksha’s creative garments. With Bershka, wear distinctive clothing that makes you feel most like you. 

Sneakers rétro dentelle
Sneakers rétro dentelle

Available in three different colours, this striped short sleeve shirt is especially pretty in blue. The airy and light shirt is perfect for bringing in some personality into your summer wear without concerns about breaking a sweat.

Short LA Galaxy satiné
Short LA Galaxy satiné

Seemingly simple from the front, Berksha’s round neck sweatshirt features a bold typographic print at the back, making it ideal to inject some dynamism into your outfit with ease. Its rare colour is one that will pop in your wardrobe, but allows you to match it to almost any bottom.

Bershka Bikini Offers
Coldwater | Fashion Your Way

Coldwater Creek | Fashion Your Way

Trends come and go, but these days it seems that the change is faster than ever before. Designers are coming up with new styles with a push on more eco-friendly fabrics and sustainable clothing. So, 2022 is all about transitioning, trying new trends in fashion, dress as you wish. Here us out, as we make our way out of lockdowns, and at-home socializing, rather slowly and set on the path to rebuild our wardrobes. With lots of fresh trends at Coldwater Creek let’s get started where customers can expect to grab significant price reductions you wouldn’t find elsewhere.

Feminine Fashion- Best of Clothing

From casual wear, dresses to skirts, overalls, pants and coats, you’ll find all the fashion themes at Coldwater Creek. The ocean is the limit when you need to choose one as there are a whole lot of options in endless styles which are hard to resist. Short dresses are in the wardrobe of every American woman. A must-have for the uptown chic as this style is ideal for day-to-day business casual working environment.

Skirts is another versatile wearable piece of clothing that you can style for loads of different occasions and events as they are easy on your skin and feast to the eyes. There are plenty of styles to suit your taste like a high-waist one goes along way when you pair them with bodysuit and tighter blouses. Long skirts are a perfect choice for casual or informal look.

Women’s Sets at Coldwater Creek are a combination of a top and a skirt set or a cropped and pantacourt set when you are short on time to create the perfect combination. Needless to say, they look great when you combine them with other options in your wardrobe making your collection more versatile and assertive.

Fashion Trends for the Plus Size

Your go-to spots for all the trendy and stylish plus-size clothing comes to an end when you head to the Coldwater Creek to catch on the latest. With new collections launched with every change in season, dresses, skirts, beautiful gowns and larger-sized pants are all part of the Plus-size segment.

Don’t forget to check out the range of accessories at Coldwater Creek as it has a lot to offer to flaunt it with your dazzling smile. Pregnant women can also enjoy some awesome trendy pieces especially keeping their body changes in mind.

Here, at Coldwater Creek the Plus size Beachwear pieces have a guaranteed space on the shelves waiting to be picked up. From plus-size crossbody swimsuit to bikini with wide straps, laced up bikini to one shoulder swimsuit, check out the collection that is prepared with great care for you to enjoy the hot days in style.

C&A - Stylowe podstawy garderoby

C&A – Stylowe podstawy garderoby

Czarna marynarka

Ładna marynarka strukturalna działa jak urok na każdy strój. Szczerze mówiąc, noszę marynarkę z koszulką i szorty. Polecam jednak zakup dopasowanego dłuższego przed zainwestowaniem w przycięty i ponadwymiarowy styl. Nakładanie warstw jest zasadniczo najprostszym sposobem, aby Twoje ubrania wyglądały na droższe i miłym sposobem na ochronę przed klimatyzacją biurową. Kluczową informacją, o której należy pamiętać przy zakupie marynarki, jest upewnienie się, że pod ramionami i ramieniem jest wystarczająco dużo miejsca, aby móc nakładać na inne przedmioty. I że rękawy nie powinny być dłuższe niż nadgarstki i można je z łatwością podwinąć do łokci.

Luźny otwarty kardigan

Klasyczny przedmiot, który często jest pomijany. Lekki kardigan pomoże ci w kinie, w wietrzną noc i chociaż służy wielu celom, całkowicie sprawia, że twoje stroje są o wiele ładniejsze. Mówię tylko, że warstwowanie jest prawem życia. Wybieraj spośród różnych długości do stylów, kolorów i tekstur. Nie ma podstawowego stylu kardiganu, z wyjątkiem tego, że powinieneś posiadać kilka z nich.

Kurtka dżinsowa

Czy mogę powiedzieć, jak bardzo kocham ten konkretny element garderoby? Noszę go przez cały rok przy każdej okazji, dopóki nie będzie super gorąco na zewnątrz. Zacznij od zakupu wersji strukturalnej na początku, zanim przejdziesz do zbyt dużej wersji, która wydaje się być obecnie modna. Wystylizuj go letnią sukienką lub podstawową koszulką, aby uzyskać idealne ulepszenie stroju.

Dżinsowe szorty

Chodzi mi o to, czy w ogóle muszę wyjaśniać, dlaczego uważam, że jest to podstawa garderoby obowiązkowej? To proste, działa ze wszystkim i wszystkim i zdecydowanie jest koniecznością, gdy wybierasz się na wakacje.

Tank Topy

Uwielbiam używać ich z warstwami, a biorąc pod uwagę, jak ciepło się robi, nie lubię nosić bluzek z pełnym rękawem, a to służy jako świetny substytut. Noś je z kardiganami, marynarkami, kurtkami dżinsowymi itp. i krąż między różnymi rodzajami spodni, ponieważ ten przedmiot działa ze WSZYSTKIM!

DFDS Makes It Easy To Visit Amsterdam

DFDS Makes It Easy To Visit Amsterdam

Planning a trip to Amsterdam soon? Have you ever considered a ferry instead of flying? If you’re thinking of traveling to Amsterdam, read on and discover how DFDS ferry makes it super easy to visit Amsterdam.

What is DFDS Ferry?

This large Danish shipping company, which celebrated its 150th anniversary, operates both passenger and freight services across Northern Europe. For this trip we would be onboard a DFDS ferry, the Princess Seawaysone of two ferries DFDS uses for this route.

Did you know that DFDS has been named Europe’s Leading Ferry Operator for the sixth year in a row? They recently received the latest honors at the World Travel Awards Europe Gala Ceremony in St. Petersburg, Russia September 2017.

With two coaches departing daily from Bewick Street opposite Central Station in Newcastle, passengers are whisked directly to the DFDS Terminal. The trip takes about 20 minutes and the price of a one way ticket is £3.80.

For an alternative to flying to Amsterdam, taking DFDS will be fast, easy, and fun and an enjoyable way to make this short trip. Would you do it again? Absolutely! You will love the cabin, the amenities, and really the overall ease in which you will be able to get from point A to point B so effortlessly.

Udemy vs Coursera vs Edx

Udemy vs Coursera vs edX

The conventional perception of the teaching-learning process has undergone a drastic change over the last decade. Whether to enhance personal acumen or chiseling up professional skills, endeavors do not need to attend an in-person learning class outside anymore. What they need is a personal computer and a stable internet connection to be connected to an online class of their requirement. 

Preeminent online class providers namely Coursera, Udemy and so on, have been committed to aspirant-required courses since the early phase of the last decade. All their courses are an amalgamation of both academic and professional modules. Hence, aspirants do get an ample option to select any of alike these stores. However,  below is a precise overview of the 4 most leading educational stores have provided. Take a glance at these before you get involved in the process of knowledge upskilling.


Founded in 2012 through a collaborative initiative of Stanford University’s professors, Coursera draws the spotlight of attention as a massive online course provider. All courses are available both in real university-level degrees and in certified executions. The most notable aspect of this online education hub is its sole regulation by professors. Later on, the store was additionally supported by other IVY universities like Harvard, Princeton, etc.

Best for: overall course programs 

Key aspects

  • According to 2021 data, Coursera provides a total number of 4000 courses and partnered with more than 150 universities
  • A glimpse of the course numbers is as follows
  • 425 data science courses | 1095 business courses| 401 social science courses
  • 338 arts and humanities| 150 language courses| 417 health courses
  • 150 IT coureses| 70 math and logic courses, etc.
  • Unlike other educational stores, Coursera provides a proportional percentage of academic and professional courses
  • Each of the courses is directly taught by professors across the world
  • The store is accredited by the MOOC of the USA

Reason to select the store?

Since the time of its launch, Coursera keeps a sharp eye on the pricing of its courses. Its project courses start onward from $9.99/month, certified courses from $11.99/month, and a monthly subscription for online degree courses cost $59/month. Apart from this, new users will get a 7 day of the free trial before enrollment and 10% cashback against the purchased course. Coursera is also renowned as a sound academic course provider.

Pros: Accredited both by educational institutions and employers. Budget effective course structure. More than 1500 free courses. Money back assurance Valid certification Cons: Prerequisites are required before enrollment. No certification for free courses. Strict time boundedness for the classes


Udemy is another Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) providing for-profit organization who came into public in 2010. The platform majorly provided skill-oriented courses for the job markets and fasten professional success. Most of the courses by the store are certified and followed a fast-track course module. And eventually gets done within a period of 3-6 months. 

Best for: professional courses; IT-based, marketing, etc.

Key aspects

  • As per current data, the edu-store provided more than 183,000 online niche-based video courses
  • Most demanding courses are
  • IT courses: Python, JavaScript, AWS, machine learning, etc
  • Digital marketing: SEO optimization, Content marketing
  • Data analysis: SQL, SQL with Python
  • Finance & accounting, cryptocurrency, design courses, etc.
  • All of its courses are taught by a total of 75,000 specialized trainers
  • All available courses are available in more than 75 languages
  • Free mock trial courses are provided 
  • Agile class timing and one-to-one feedback sessions are available
  • Certification is provided after completion of a course

Reason to Udemy

When you’re in a pursuit to land up a job at your dream company, Udemy is the savior to chiseling up your skill and knowledge to accomplish your desire. Each of its courses is accepted by renowned global leaders such as Google, Facebook, Linkedin, etc. Moreover, a track of learning progress is provided per candidate along with providing one-to-one feedback. All its study materials are downloadable and classes can be attended at per user’s convenience. Presently, it charges $11.99/course.

Pros: Learners’ friendly interface. Multilingual class environment. User-based class timing 30 days money-back guaranteeCons: All courses are not certified. Quality is not up to the mark for some courses. Thorough reviews have not been conducted for certain courses 


Developed in 2012 by a partnered initiative of Harvard University and MIT, Edx is one another online education platform to provide the best self-paced learning environments. The enumerated course list of the store is imparted into 4 domains; bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, short certified professional courses, and boot camps. Till present, the store makes available a total of 3000 courses taught by super-skilled trainers.

Best for: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) courses

Key aspects:

  • Both traditional degrees and associate degrees are available
  • Accredited by global IVY institutions and employers
  • It is teamed up with more than 160 global universities
  • A list of new 500 courses has been introduced along with the major 3000 courses
  • Flexible class timing, duration, brainstorming, and in-depth feedback sessions are regularly carried out.

Reason to choose Edx

If you dream of experiencing a multilingual teaching-learning environment from top global institutions within your study room, Edx is the best door to step in. Despite prolonged and authentic degree programs, it also pays consequent attention to the professional world by releasing bundles of small professional courses.  Grabbing a degree via Edx impinges your probability of catching up with your dream job 100x higher.

Pros: Free trial courses are provided. Scholarship liability is also available. A minimum of 15% to 90% discount is always tagged against the total course feeCons: Comparatively confined course availability. Rigid and fixed class timings for certain courses 

Why should be more agile with online learning platforms?

With the rapid advancement of technology, traditional perceptions are being upwelled notably. It leaves the same impact on the world of education as well. The major reasons behind ascending hortatory behind online education certainly intricate the time-effectiveness following affordability. Because nowadays people barely have any time to waste. Hereby, the above 4 stores have come up with the ideology of providing the best self-paced education at minimum cost. There are plenty of similar others as well. Hence, save your time instead of attending the lecture in your college by person. Take up an online course and upgrade your prodigy. All the best for your future endeavor! 

Best Furniture Companies UK

Best Furniture Companies UK

Our team have done all the necessary research on your behalf, so sit back, relax and read our Best Furniture Companies UK review to find the best online furniture stores that can help you transform your living space.

We understand that your home has to be your haven, so it’s important to find furniture that reflects your unique style and provides you with comfort after a long day.

Shopping for furniture and interiors has never been easier as you can now go to an online platform to find the latest trends, latest offerings and find unique pieces and original designs, so all the hard work is done for you!

We found, explored and evaluated many different online furniture shops to conclude on the top 10 furniture stores in the UK just for you.

Chill Sofas

Based in London, Chill Sofas create hand-crafted furniture, with a focus on comfort, class and character. Their products include sofas, footstools and chairs, in a range of luxury materials, such as leather and crushed velvet. Experts in their craft, they have been featured in Yahoo! and Benzinga.


Dunelm is a renowned UK furniture store that prides itself on low costs and high-quality furniture. They offer a wide range of products for your home; for example, they offer outside furniture – like garden tables, kitchen products – like cutlery, and kids furniture – including murals and curtains.


With over 70 years of experience, IKEA is a popular furniture brand from Sweden. They focus on creating furniture that is practical, well-designed and affordable. Their product range is extensive, with them providing furniture for all areas of your home, such as lighting, bedding, coffee tables.

Soho Home

Whether you want a modern style or a traditional classic, then Soho Home can provide. Popular with interior designers, they offer luxurious and innovative designs at reasonable prices. Their great range of timeless designs will last long after trends have shifted, perfect for a Soho home.


Westelm is a furniture store based in the UK, they identify as being good for people and good for the planet. They focus on sustainability and are Fair Trade Certified. Their ethos is to create a home environment that reflects your unique taste, as you should be comfortable and happy in your home!

Your One-Stop Destination To Fix Your Fashion!

Coldwater Creek | Your One-Stop Destination To Fix Your Fashion!

Fashion, the most cherished action of expressing freedom and liveliness, is not an impromptus practice but has been prevalent since the antediluvian age. Composing a victorious fashion sense does not just indicate a beautiful mind under the surface but also implies pristine integrity between attitude and gratitude at the same time. Therefore, merging the line between what is good and what suits best, is not an easy task. It requires diligence, perception, and devotion to be mingled together. However, with Coldwater Creek, this conundrum seems to be trimmed vigorously. 

Let’s Take A Look At The Catalog

The display catalog of Coldwater Creek is quite huge. Thus, is a bit challenging to navigate through its corridors in a single traverse. However, the crux of each embedded section is revealed below in a nutshell. So, go and read them.

1. Coldwater Creek Dresses | Online Exclusives

Dresses, From boho, midi, maxi, bodycon, knitted to winter dresses, it’s impossible not to find even the latest inclusions. It’s redundant to underline that each of the dresses is thoroughly tailored by 100% eco-friendly fabrications.

2. Explore The Closet Of Tops

Coldwater Creek well deciphers women’s weakness for tops. Be it an old-school style or a chic one, women do not turn their faces away when it comes to bagging a few fresh pairs of tops. So, obviously, Coldwater Creek refreshes the top section with a massive stock. These include corset tops, crop tops, cami tops, halter-neck, ribbed tops, tees, and many more. Despite the plethora of designs, these are handy at remarkably low prices as well at the same time. 

3. What’s New For Pants?

What’s hot for pants? Wondering about it? Give a personal inspection then! Coldwater Creek truly marshals a huge pile of pants that is quite nondepletable. All these pants have gone through iconic designer craftsmanship and stitching strategies that deter any kind of rigidity or uncomfortably during wearing these. However, the types and styles of pants are further segregated into track pants, joggers, a plunge of denim, knit pants, leggings, and so on. All these are available considering the huge size and fitting variabilities. 

4. Checkout The Latest Skirt Stocks

Girls’ love for skirts is ever eternal. From 8 to 80, everyone reveals a genuine affection for trending skirts. Henceforth, inside Coldwater Creek, you will witness an immersive collection of skirts. All are handy at a very lurking bargained price starting onwards from $17.95. 

Get an Additional 10% off Bags

Moment: Get an Additional 10% off Bags

It’s bag szn.

And they’ve got it all — laptop bags and totes for back to school, rugged packs for those late summer hikes, or fanny slings for your everyday essentials. Carry your camera, or don’t! Up to you.

Last chance to save an additional 10% off a new bag, now through the end of August with code: #SUMMERBAGS


Something for everyone.